Tuesday 1 November 2016


This year I've decided to participate in NaNoWriMo. What's NaNoWriMo I hear you ask? Well I will tell you: National Novel Writing Month. Essentially people from all over the world write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November.

I've wanted to participate in NaNo since I was sixteen, but each year since signing up for an account I've given myself every reason not to write.

I work in retail. November is busy. I'm studying. I've got a full time job. I'm too tired. I'm not really a writer. I'll be shit. I won't complete it so what's the point? It's a waste of time. What do I even write? Where do I begin? I don't have any stories. I can't. I shouldn't. I'm busy. I'd rather watch TV/read/sleep/[insert procrastination of choice here]

The list goes on.

But this year I'm saying 'fuck it' to my critical voice and having a go anyway.

The irony is that by writing this post I'm avoiding doing the thing I set out to do, so I guess I better stop procrastinating and bloody well get on with it! Watch this space.