Sunday, 3 August 2014

The Wardrobe Doors

I’ve been putting off writing something on here for ages, which is kind of dumb. I just want to write something that really matters, which is silly because life is pretty transient and nothing lasts forever. But as an avid consumer of blogs, books, magazines, vlogs, etc. I want to create something really worthwhile. I’m constantly in awe of brilliant creators and it’s difficult to let it go, and simply create without worrying what brilliant work has come before, and what other people think of me.

 So f*** it I’m going to share something a little different today. 

I’m going to change the direction a little with this one and start to include more arty projects and things I do in my spare time. 

‘The Wardrobe Doors’ began when I was about seventeen. I wasn’t very happy. I’d dropped out of college and was staying in the south of France with my Aunty & Uncle for a while to try and clear my head a bit. On one particularly shitty day, I decided to write a mammoth list of all the things I loved, from silly seemingly insignificant things like coffee and beards, to John (my father and consequently the name of my first guitar.) When I arrived back in England six weeks later, and a little more mentally sound, I decided to write all these words up inside my wardrobe so I could see them every single day, and remember everything I loved about the world when I was struggling to find reasons to remain in it. 

The wardrobe doors remain the same to this day, though I’ve added bits here and there, and as you can see the list has continued to the back wall of the wardrobe. When my Mum eventually moves out of Priory Close I think it’ll be a bastard to paint over that marker pen… if I was a bit more hipster I’d probably write ‘YOLO!’ here, but I’m not so, erm... carpe diem. 

What makes you the happiest version of yourself? What do you love? Leave me lists in the comments, or send me a link to your own. 


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