I'll be heading to Prague in May in an attempt to beat my time, and the training begins here. Here in wet, cold, rainy Nottingham. Training was actually supposed to begin three weeks ago but I've been in bed back to back with infections... not ideal. But what better place to start than from right at the bottom of the mountain of physical fitness?
So far this year I have run a total of 340.5km. I'm hoping to finish the year on 400km which should be easily doable now that my running shoes are back on.
Goals for the next year of running
- Beat my marathon time of 5:16:29
- Beat my half marathon time of 2:19:52
- Run over 500km
In other fun news... I recently reinvested in a weighted hula hoop. A couple of years ago I had one, and let me tell you there's not a more fun way to strengthen your core, than to swirl around with a hula hoop, lip-synching to Queen B.
:-) I'm looking forward to reading about your journey and always proud of you. x